Тренер-преподаватель по киокусинкай каратэ
Шкуракова Валентина Анатольевна
1 дан

График работы
Вторник 18:00-19:30
Четверг 18:00-19:30
Суббота 18:00-19:30

Benefits of Kyokushin karate for children and adults.
Working through a martial art and the belt ranking system gives a child measurable goals to follow that are realistic to attain.
Kyokushin karate help instill mental focus in your child, giving her the ability to concentrate on a task and see it through to its conclusion.
Self Defense
Our professional coaches will teach you and your child all the necessary self defense techniques.
Proper physical education of children is the basis for a healthy life. Constant training and movements of the most martial arts will challenge your muscles and cardiovascular system.
Каратэ - это философия, которую постигаешь с годами.
Киокушин Профи - лучшие учатся у лучших!
17 regions
of Russia
From Moscow to the Russian Far East, as well as in the countries: Iran, Estonia, Germany, Japan and Belarus.
120+ gyms
across the whole country
Sign up and join the best Karate gyms in your city regardless of the level of your physical training.
100 + the best professional instructors
The best karate coaches will teach you the techniques of mastering this type of martial art.